Authors are invited to submit technical papers of 4-6 pages in length, written in English, with a maximum length of 2 single-spaced, double-column pages using 10pt size fonts on 8.5 × 11-inch pages, including all figures, tables, and references. The papers must present original, unpublished research not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions of papers must be made electronically via CMT in PDF format.

All papers presented at AICECS 2024 will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. Please keep in mind that IEEE maintains the right to reject a paper from future distribution (for example, removal from IEEE Xplore) if it is not presented at the conference and/or does not follow the criteria. 

You can find the paper template on 

Submission Link:

 Use PDF eXpress

Steps for creating your Xplore-compliant PDF file:

  1. Create your manuscript
  2. Proofread and check the layout of the manuscript. (It is highly recommended that you do this BEFORE going to PDF eXpress.)
  3. Create a PDF eXpress account
  4. Upload source file(s) for Conversion; and/or PDF(s) for Checking
  5. Use PDF eXpress to attain Xplore-compatible PDFs. The site contains extensive instructions, resources, and helpful hints.
  6. IMPORTANT: After finishing with the PDF eXpress website, return to the website below to submit your final, Xplore-compatible PDF(s) at

To use PDF eXpress:

  1. Navigate to
  2. Visit the PDF eXpress website and establish a new account by clicking the “New Users – Click Here” link.
  3. Enter code 63354X as the Conference ID.
  4. Enter information as required. You will receive an email verifying that your account was successfully created.
  5. Use your PDF eXpress account to submit source application files for conversion and inspect PDFs. If you are dissatisfied with the PDF generated by PDF eXpress, discover errors in your document, or your PDF fails the PDF Check, you will be able to edit your submission.
  6. Technical support is available via email at if you have issues.

Note:- All the submitted manuscripts will initially be screened by the plagiarism detection software Turnitin. Only the paper that passes the accepted limit of the similarity index will be forwarded for review. The accepted similarity percentage for this conference is 25% (including references/bibliography and all other sources. The paper has to be checked for similarity index with a word count less than 3 in the setting). If any paper is found to have a high similarity index, then the accepted limit mentioned above will be outright rejected without sending it out for review. Also, if at any stage during or after publication the paper is found to be plagiarized, it will be retracted immediately.


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